Fourteen seconds… just fourteen seconds is all that it has been since the last time that I looked up at the clock.. It feels more like fourteen hours, fourteen days, fourteen lifetimes. Is it supposed to be like this? I remember when I got my school schedule, I was so excited to have this lunch, the lunch with all my friends… back when they felt like friends. I sit here with them; they look like the same people, they have the same names, they have the same faces, but it’s not them, it hasn’t been them for quite some time now. Am I the only one still me? Am I the only one sitting here in a room so full of people that you can’t move without bumping into someone but feeling utterly alone? I am sitting at a table with three girls that I have known for twelve years but yet I am completely unable to identify who any of them are anymore. Sure, Savannah is an athlete, Shea is the popular one, and Mary is a musician, but the only thing I can see is the raging monster within them because I am the only one who was there that night, I am the only one who knows exactly what they have become and exactly what they did to get here.