12 years ago, Marianne Millares was born in Hialeah, Florida. Ever since she was a toddler, she has been imaginative, kind, shy, and sassy. Marianne always had a keen ability to tell stories with her own made-up characters. At the age of 7 she began writing short story scripts for fun. Her stories always had a horror theme. A couple of years later she decided to pursue acting. She has always been drawn to the many ways that a story can be told. When she got into middle school it was very hard for her to make friends because of her shyness and the sense of not fitting in. She had also lost interest in writing her stories. She was quickly drawn to her media teacher who would give her advice on how to handle the challenges of middle school. One day in sixth grade her media teacher told the class that there was an author visiting. Marianne thought it would be fun, especially because she would be excused from her least favorite class, which is math. When the day came, the author surprised the attendees with the challenge of writing a short story. He also announced that the writer of the best short story would be chosen to have their very own book published. Fast forward one year and here it is, her first published book.